Friday, June 1, 2007

StarrPort Corp announced

With my business partner Emile van Essen, I participated in a day on Aviation and Environment in Geneva, organized by ATAG Air Transport Action Group in March. We attended a pre-presentation of the website which is in the air by now (end of May 07). We were able to represent once more the StarrPort and to draw attention and excitement to its unique environmentally-friendlier features. By passing out leaflets and flyers, we had a lot of interesting personal talks. For the first time, our financial concept for StarrPort Corp (under construction) was presented.

We plan to publish on the website (in preparation) all of Jim Starry's 123 patent-pending features of the StarrPort, with a basic description accessible freely to everyone. When the patents will be applied, of course a negotiatiable fee will be applicable. This should be no point because every patent helps to save a massive amount of money, and space, and time, and harmful emissions, etc.

The patents which are already applied (un)knowingly or partially in many places, will have to be updated. The maximum benefit, optimized for specific circumstances, will be achieved in consulting the inventor himself, Jim Starry.

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